Work in Progress – Ballerina in repose (Day 3)

Today I spent another 3 hours or so on the ‘Ballerina in repose’ oil painting, at Attic Studios, my ‘studio away from home’. Essentially today I ended up spending most of the time trying to mix the right colours and tones for the skin colour on her legs and arm. Skin tones are a challenge! I also spent quite some time deepening the darkest areas of the background, and working in some more of the undertones for the ballet skirt (tutu).
This painting is coming together slowly, but obviously there still remains more work to do all around. With a charity bazaar benefiting the Thai YWCA coming up that my other business, Senzu Jewelry, is participating in on behalf of the Canadian Embassy, I will be busy with that most of this week. For more information on the bazaar (where and when), just click here. It’ll be next week before I’ll be able to continue with the ballerina. As soon as I do though, I’ll update you here! 😉
To be continued…
- Working in a bit more of the skin tones on her shins and thigh.
- After mixing more skin tone oil paint, finally got rid of her ghostly white arm and brown thigh.
- Blending more shadows into the arm, thigh and lower leg.
- This is my palette, at the moment still using as few colours as possible.

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