At the invitation of another artist, I joined a group of oil and acrylic painters one morning, and painted this scene of the marsh wetlands from a private dock in Seabrook, South Carolina. The texture of the marsh grasses against the soft waters intrigued me. This was my first time painting the marsh and the quickly changing reflections of the clouds in the still water. It was a hot, but breezy morning in early June, which made for a fun challenge. I carried my materials in my gear bag (also known on the weekends as my Fripp Island beach bag!) and sat on the dock, dangling my feet above the marsh and using the railing of the dock as my easel.
Terry Ludwig Soft pastels on 19 1/2 x 12 3/4-inch Sennelier La Carte sanded, Ph-neutral pastel card. Original artwork available through my Etsy Store or by contacting me, archival fine art prints, canvas prints and note cards available here.